Completeness ContoursΒΆ
In this example we generate completeness contours from a suite of injection-recovery tests run using the rvsearch inject
import os
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import rvsearch
from rvsearch.inject import Completeness
from rvsearch.plots import CompletenessPlots
Construct a Completeness
object from the output of an injection-recovery run (recoveries.csv). If we want to convert to semi-major axis and msini on construction we need to pass a stellar mass.
recfile = os.path.join(rvsearch.DATADIR, 'recoveries.csv')
comp = Completeness.from_csv(recfile, 'inj_au', 'inj_msini', mstar=1.1)
Next we calculate completeness on a grid with the specified boundaries using a 2D moving average. See Howard & Fulton (2016) for a description of the moving average method.
xi, yi, zi = comp.completeness_grid(xlim=(0.05, 100), ylim=(1.0, 3e4), resolution=25)
Now contruct the CompletenessPlots
object and plot the contours and individual injections
cp = CompletenessPlots(comp)
fig = cp.completeness_plot(xlabel='$a$ [AU]', ylabel=r'M$\sin{i}$ [M$_{\oplus}$]')
We can also use the Completeness object to interpolate the completeness at any point in the grid.
comp.interpolate(1.0, 100, refresh=True)