Injection and Recovery Tests

Injection and recovery class

class rvsearch.inject.Completeness(recoveries, xcol='inj_au', ycol='inj_msini', mstar=None, searches=None)[source]

Calculate completeness surface from a suite of injections


recoveries (DataFrame) – DataFrame with injection/recovery tests from

__init__(recoveries, xcol='inj_au', ycol='inj_msini', mstar=None, searches=None)[source]

Object to handle a suite of injection/recovery tests

  • recoveries (DataFrame) – DataFrame of injection/recovery tests from Injections class

  • mstar (float) – (optional) stellar mass to use in conversion from p, k to au, msini

  • xcol (string) – (optional) column name for independent variable. Completeness grids and interpolator will work in these axes

  • ycol (string) – (optional) column name for dependent variable. Completeness grids and interpolator will work in these axes


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

completeness_grid(xlim, ylim, resolution=30, xlogwin=0.5, ylogwin=0.5)[source]

Calculate completeness on a fine grid

Compute a 2D moving average in loglog space

  • xlim (tuple) – min and max x limits

  • ylim (tuple) – min and max y limits

  • resolution (int) – (optional) grid is sampled at this resolution

  • xlogwin (float) – (optional) x width of moving average

  • ylogwin (float) – (optional) y width of moving average

classmethod from_csv(recovery_file, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Read recoveries and create Completeness object

interpolate(x, y, refresh=False)[source]

Interpolate completeness surface

Interpolate completeness surface at x, y. X, y should be in the same units as self.xcol and self.ycol

  • x (array) – x points to interpolate to

  • y (array) – y points to interpolate to

  • refresh (bool) – (optional) refresh the interpolator?


completeness value at x and y

Return type


class rvsearch.inject.Injections(searchpath, plim, klim, elim, num_sim=1, full_grid=True, verbose=True)[source]

Class to perform and record injection and recovery tests for a planetary system.

  • searchpath (string) – Path to a saved rvsearch.Search object

  • plim (tuple) – lower and upper period bounds for injections

  • klim (tuple) – lower and upper k bounds for injections

  • elim (tuple) – lower and upper e bounds for injections

  • num_sim (int) – number of planets to simulate

  • verbose (bool) – show progress bar

__init__(searchpath, plim, klim, elim, num_sim=1, full_grid=True, verbose=True)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Generate random planets

Produce a DataFrame with random planet parameters


seed (int) – seed for random number generator


with columns inj_period, inj_tp, inj_e, inj_w, inj_k

Return type



Launch injection/recovery tests

Try to recover all planets defined in self.simulated_planets


num_cpus (int) – number of CPUs to utilize. Each injection will run on a separate CPU. Individual injections are forced to be single-threaded


summary of injection/recovery tests

Return type
